Make a Compass

make a compass

Make a Compass

Make a Compass


Keep a small magnet with you when you are out backpacking or hiking. If you forgot your compass you can make your own.


Small bar magnet

• Pencil

• Piece of thread

• A cup of water


1. Tie the thread onto the magnet

2. Put the letters N – E – S – W around the glass.

3. Put a pencil across the top and tie the thread to the pencil

4. Dip the magnet into the cup of water with the North Pole pointing towards the letter N. The water ensures that the magnet won’t be affected by the wind.

5. Move yourself around and observe where the magnet inside the cup points to.


The north pole of the magnet always points in the direction of the letter N.


A magnet always aligns itself with the magnetic field of the earth and its North Pole points towards north.